Hot Dogs in Hot Cars

Did you enjoy our one day of summer on Tuesday? I went back and checked and at 29.6C in London it was our hottest day of the season. We did top 30C twice in June but it was officially spring then, not summer yet. I’ve been gloating a little bit because I love the cooler weather and it gives me a sliver of revenge on those who go on and on about wanting it steamy and hot.  

Blair from The Big Show decided to make a point so he put three dogs in a hot truck at the height of the day’s humidity. The results show why you should never leave your pet in a car in the heat.  Most of us know that already, but maybe Blair’s experiment will get through to a few more people.

1 thought on “Hot Dogs in Hot Cars”

  1. This has been a great summer weather wise, 10 more of these please. I’ve been able to keep the windows open for the most part, rarely used the AC so far and my black furry friend has enjoyed his walks which he’s been able to get each day much more than in recent years.

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