Where’s The Line?

We are, for the most part, a tolerant society. We are generally accepting of those with lifestyles that are different from ours. We don’t have to empathize with it and we likely never will but we can accept that transgendered people, for example, feel trapped in the wrong bodies. But what a Toronto man has done is pretty difficult to accept even for people with the most liberal viewpoints.

Stefonknee Wolscht says he knew when he was little that he was meant to be a girl. He expected to grow breasts and develop into a woman and when that didn’t happen, he began cross-dressing. He married and had children, and after 30 years of marriage, decided to live as a woman. It tore his family apart. He lost access to his kids and his home. That sounds like a familiar struggle for someone who’s trans, but it went further.

Now Stefonknee dresses and acts like a six-year-old girl. She has been “adopted” by a couple who also has a seven-year-old daughter. She wears little-girl dresses, plays with dolls and colours in colouring books. In one photo, she has a soother in her mouth – a little long-gone for a six-year-old, but it helps to make the point.

“I can’t deny I was married,” she said in an interview with Daily Xtra. “I can’t deny I have children, but I don’t want to be an adult right now.”

I’m sorry. I’m the most open and accepting of everyone’s needs and beliefs but this is taking advantage of political correctness. Who among us wouldn’t like to crawl under the covers some days and say, I don’t want to be an adult today? Now society is being challenged to dare criticize this person’s “lifestyle choices” because they’re living the way they “want” to live.

Does a six-year-old girl pay child support? I doubt it. How can they earn a living? They’re only six! Until there’s a way to earn a living as a professional colourer, this entire scenario looks like nothing but a convenient stunt to extricate a confused and unhappy person from their grown-up responsibilities.

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