January 2013

Fontana Fascination

No one expected much to happen at the first court date in Joe Fontana’s fraud and breach of trust case and it didn’t.  But the mini-shit-storm that erupted on Twitter was a lot of fun to watch and it had nothing to do with the case itself!   …

Radio Tales Under Assembly

A little while ago I posted a plea for radio stories and I got some very good ones! I’m starting to work on an ebook collection of my own experiences in this wacky world of broadcasting and including some of those I’ve been sent.  They range from in-studio shenanigans to off-air tomfoolery to the ever-popular dealings with over-bearing or delusional listeners. I’ll share one of the rarer ones with you today, written and experienced by Mr. Derek Botten.  …

Twitfest of 2012

Twitter is so much fun. I love it for networking, for catching up on articles I may have missed that someone else thinks to tweet and for exercising the latent part of my psyche that would have loved to try my hand at comedy.  To wit, I present some of my own, original favourite tweets of 2012 and then some of my favourites of people I follow and admire.   …