Guest post

Dick Joseph in the CKSL 1410 control room as seen through the guest booth.

Guest Post: Dick Joseph – My First Adventure in the World of Radio

Anyone who listened to London radio in the 80s knew Dick Joseph. Dicker Q and the Afternoon Zoo was a hugely popular show on CKSL 1410 from ’82-’87. Dick hosted the on air and live versions of Desperate and Dateless. To me, the overnight host, he was a mentor and colleague. Recently, I wrote about some radio memories that prompted Dick to send me the story of his first job in radio. Without further ado, I give you his story in his words.

The back of a woman as she stands, seemingly wondering whether to walk into the woods

Decisions, Decisions

When you were a little kid and you needed to make a decision about your life, it was simple. Do you want to go to Grandma’s house or should I turn this car around right now? Okay then, stop fighting, you two! And you and your brother stopped fighting, because you loved Grandma and she probably baked a pie. Not to mention, no one ever noticed you digging into Grandma’s candy dish, where you would eat as many dusty Humbugs as you could free from the hard, sticky ball they had become.  …