September 2014

Review: I Am Pilgrim

The plotlines and details from the debut novel by screenwriter Terry Hayes are going to stay with me for the rest of my life. And I hope it’s the start of a series featuring Pilgrim, the codename for a man who doesn’t exist, a reluctant but brilliant secret agent who is sent out to save the world.  …

Equal Time for Men’s Stupid Clothing

My friend Dan Brown is a journalist at the London Free Press and a Professor at Western. He’s also got one of the best laughs I’ve ever heard, has a bigger collection of Hawaiian shirts than most people have shirts, and his wife Amanda is equally wonderful.  His latest column in the Freeps is one worth sharing so, with Dan’s permission I give you: I’m an XL guy in a slim-fit world.  …

Smartphones for Dummies

Apple finally convinced me that it’s time to move on. My iPhone 4S is now obselete with the release of the new iPhone 6 and 6 Plus, that came out on Friday. Bigger screen, thinner body, faster processor – blah, blah, blah. Thanks for the free U2 album, Apple, but I’m out of here as soon as my contract makes it possible.  …

Review: The Addams Family Musical

Every year, The Grand Theatre in London devotes its stage to a production put on by the best the city’s high schools have to offer. The result is as professional, and as well-attended, as any of the other shows at The Grand. It’s been a launching pad for many professional careers because these kids, who audition and rehearse just like any other performers, are the cream of the crop from local performing arts courses.  …

Cookies for Breakfast!

You have until Sunday to buy a Smile Cookie at Tim Hortons and help fund children’s health charities in your area. Your Smile Cookie dollars stay in the community where they’re spent and you can even order the treats by the dozen for your office or for home. I’m told they freeze well.  And at only a buck a piece they’re quite a bargain. …

A Fair Time

My love for fall fairs is well documented on these pages. As long as I can eat something on a stick, pet a goat or a bunny and see something I’ve never seen before, I’m happy.  …

Yesterday Was What Day?

**This blog post originally appeared on the Blackburn News website:

Sepsis. It doesn’t have a wristband or a colour of its own. There are no runs or telethons for it. And yet statistically it’s deadlier than heart disease, stroke and many other well-known illnesses. Every 3-4 seconds someone in the world dies from sepsis. And 3 years ago, I was almost one of them.  …

Success Explained

There are social media members who do nothing but post and repost happy little sayings about staying positive and chasing success.  It can be a full-time job to weed through it all but eventually, you figure out who is a good curator and shares only things worth sharing.  …

So Long Joanie

How lucky was Joan Rivers to live so long that there are generations of people who have no idea of the influence she had over entertainment. One day at work, a long time ago, a much younger colleague called her “a joke”. It wasn’t meant as a compliment.  To him, Rivers was just a raspy old broad who took cheap shots at celebrities. But she used to be much more than that.  …

Brandt’s Randt – Feed the Kids

I read an advisory from the Ontario government that just got my goat.  Earlier this week, the province released its new Strategy to End Homelessness. They’ve said this before and whenever a government says they’re going to end something complex you know it’s just a whole lot of hope and a bunch of money.  So I randted.   …

We Don’t Call Him Mister

I don’t use my media platforms to take public revenge out on companies that give us less than stellar service. I try to settle things the old fashioned way, with communication and negotiation. But there comes a time when explaining an unresolved issue becomes a public service and we’ve reached that point with our sewer pipe problem of this past spring.  …