
Electric car parking symbol tile

The Dog Days of Summer for the Media

Some people insist on believing that “the media is lying to you!” About everything. I’m here to tell you that “the media” doesn’t exist. Separate companies, different points of view, etc. So BBC, CNN, FOX, CTV – they’re all in on it together? Every COMPETING company employs liars and forces them to lie?

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iPhone sitting on a stand

How I Learned to Love my iPhone (Or Fake It!)

For years, my Blackberry was my constant companion. It was provided to me by Rogers radio and I loved it. I was lightning-quick on the physical buttons on the keyboard and rarely made mistakes. It went with me to Europe and turned out photos that were plenty good enough. It’s not like I was entering them in a contest.  …

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My Phone the iPhone

I still hate my iPhone. Oh I love a lot of things it can do or I wouldn’t have it but I despise the keyboard. I’ve been an iPhone gal for a few years now and I’m still not used to the onscreen keyboard and I make a lot of mistakes I never made with the Blackberry.  Touching actual buttons makes the difference. But I can’t give up its other features so here I am, the reluctant iPhone user.  …

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Steve Jobs

Everybody knows how the story of the Apple founder ends but not everybody is aware of way he worked and lived.  I just finished the book by Walter Isaacson, the authorized biography of Jobs that he wanted to chronicle his life, warts and all, so his children would get to know him better and learn what he was doing while spending so much time at work.  …

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