No Friends Like Girlfriends

I spent last weekend in the company of my wonderful friend Erin Davis at her cottage. 

It was just us two girls, holed up in paradise, with a spectacular view of the frozen water and fresh snow untouched by man or beast. I needed that!  Erin is a wonderful cook and she makes a steak so Keg-worthy that I was tempted to tip her!  I could go on and on about her generosity of spirit and how at ease we are together.  But let’s just say I’m a fortunate friend and she’s good for my soul.  Since moving to London, I’ve missed my women friends more than anything else so the timing of this little getaway was perfect. 

We watched a stack of DVD’s and I now present Five-Word Reviews of the films we viewed, in case you are looking for something to rent.

Hancock: Flawed but exciting and original.

Mamma Mia: First act ruined by overalls.

The Women: For superfans only, or pass.

Step Brothers:  I can’t believe we bothered!