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Beautiful, Wise Betty
I just finished reading Betty White’s autobiography, Here We Go Again. It was first published in 1995 but because of the recent resurgence in interest in the actress, it has been updated with a colour photo section and a new introduction.
It’s a breezy account of her decades in show business that reads like a coffee-date chat with the lady herself. Her first show in the 40’s was a live 5-hour, daily program of which, sadly, there is no evidence. As Betty says, “We would have loved to tape shows back then – we just didn’t know how!” She writes in detail about her legendary roles as Sue Ann Niven on The Mary Tyler Moore Show and Rose on The Golden Girls. She includes enough behind-the-scenes nuggets to keep a superfan satisfied. I’ve always admired her dedication to late husband Allen Ludden and she lovingly tells of their too-brief life together. It’s a good read for any Betty fan.
Today, Betty is appearing in Parade Magazine in which she discusses her well-known love for animals and offers a bit of advice about living. When an 88 year old legend talks about life, you’re a fool if you don’t listen. Betty claims her biggest fan base is gay men. “Gays love old ladies!”, she says. And she has stern words for anyone opposed to gay marriage that I think bear repeating: ” I don’t know how people can get so anti-something. Mind your own business, take care of your affairs, and don’t worry about other people so much.” Amen Betty!