July 2012

Nastiness in the Grocery Store

I will try to keep the grossness factor to a bare minimum here but a recent article published by Mother Nature Network exposes some little-known facts about what we eat, especially if it comes from the US.  They flipped through the Food and Drug Administration’s rules and found that some of them are pretty darn loosey-goosey when it comes to stuff you or I would find unpalatable.  It’s even more reason to make sure your purchase is packed in Canada.   …


Recently in Arizona and Nevada, with the sun beaming down on us through a cloudless sky in a temperature of 108F, we didn’t have any sun protection on.  Oh I had slathered us both with Neutrogena’s 110 SPF sunscreen but it turns out that it was about as effective as covering our bodies with chicken fat.

House Proud – The Look is Chic but the Price is Cheap, Toronto Sun

It’s a common household issue: you want to remodel a bathroom or a kitchen but you’re on a budget.  You can do most of the work yourself but some of the prices on replacement sinks and showers can get out of control.  A Canadian company is streamlining the business model for popular products such as showers and sinks and in the process, it’s keeping costs low.  If you have a little know-how and like your décor to have clean lines and a modern style, Artika may have just what you need.  …

En Route to Self-Publishing

Here’s where my little book currently stands:  It is about to be professionally edited.  This is a step that a lot of people skip and boy, does it show.  You simply cannot edit your own work with the same critical eye that someone else can give it.  It is not possible. I’ve been writing professionally for much more than a decade now and I don’t submit a thing without having another set of eyes look it over.  And when they find something and point it out, the piece always ends up better for it.    …