August 2013

The Tide Turns on Weed

I’m not a pot smoker but I have done it in the distant past and I did inhale and hold it.  It made me paranoid.  I remember sitting in the corner at a Halloween party long, long ago, convinced everyone there was talking about me! I’ve never been a big fan of huge house parties anyway but that one was possibly my worst experience. I don’t ever plan to get acquainted with a joint again. …

This is What Love Looks Like

Four years ago, US serviceman Jesse Cottle stepped on an IED in Afghanistan and both of his legs were blown off.  During his recovery, he met a beautiful woman named Kelly and they fell in love.  They’re about to celebrate their first wedding anniversary.   …

Blair Pays Up

June was Celibacy Month.  Blair and I made a bet on The Big Show back then to see who could go the longest without, you know. Like Ray Romano on Everybody Loves Raymond, I declaredmyself a “sex camel”. I was probably going to win – but Blair didn’t even last one night!   …

In-Store Book Signing Alert!

I’m tickled to be a guest on the upcoming season of The Book Nook With Sarah on Rogers TV here in London. Sarah Hilton is a pro from the word go. She is a speaking coach and motivational speaker and taping the show with her was delightful. I don’t know the air date yet but she has already done something else that’s terrific to promote local authors.  …

Return of the Ducks

By now you must have heard of Duck Dynasty. The show about a homespun Louisiana family and their multi-million dollar duck-call company, Duck Commander, returned for season four this week with record-shattering ratings: 11.4-million people, the most ever for a reality show on cable.  …

Venus Rising Reviews

One of the most gratifying aspects of writing is getting feedback from readers. Whether it’s this blog or my House Proud column or a book, the fact that something I did compelled someone to take the time to communicate with me is something I will never take for granted.

Columbia Ice-Failed

On my plane ride to Calgary my seatmate, a man who had retired at 27 and somehow escaped without me strangling him in a jealous rage, said “You HAVE to go to the Columbia Icefield!”  Apparently it has receded tremendously in the decades since I last saw it. I vividly recall running toward the plain of ice and recoiling in horror as a stranger next to me suddenly began urinating on its edge.   …