February 2014

Winter Wonder Land

Maybe it’s because this winter has been so relentless and it has felt like it’s beating me down that I had the most unlikely thought the other day about how I could emerge from this season victorious. I could take on winter and slap it into submission with my leather glove.  Maybe that’s why I had the crazy and powerful urge to go tobogganing.  …

The Issue at Hand

I took some heat from fellow BJs – Broadcast Journalists – last week for a tweet I put out after Kathleen Wynne held a news conference to announce the changes to minimum wage.  You’re likely aware that minimum wage has been frozen at $10.25 since 2010 and it will go up in June to$11/hr. The province will also table a bill to tie future increases to inflation.  …

The War on the Apostrophe

It’s well established on these pages that the misuse of the apostrophe is what’s going to finally push me over the edge! Of all of the grammatical errors, putting an apostrophe into a simple plural is the one I can’t tolerate or even understand. How did so many people come to believe it’s right to write it’s every time you use the word?  I tell students to think about whether they’re trying to say “it is” and if not, leave the ‘ out. …