My Wagging Tail

I’ll probably never have another dog of my own, by choice. 

Years of my life were dictated by dogs, rescues with personality disorders that needed more attention than you could imagine (unless you’ve also been there) and I simply won’t subject myself to the possibility of such a sacrifice again, where the dog has more “say” about my life than I do!  It’s just not gonna happen.  But I do love the critters and anyone who sees me around a dog knows I’m going to drop to a crouch and start talking baby talk as I get my canine fix in short bursts these days.

The oldest dog ever to win the prestigious Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show has just been crowned and he’s a beautiful, docile, 10-year old Sussex spaniel named Stump.  Stump nearly lost his life a couple of years ago because of an illness and now he’s just unflappable (except for his ears in a gust of wind) and sweet.  He takes over from Uno the Beagle who won last year, the first Beagle ever to do so.

Now Stump will go on the media circuit and appear on the big talk shows and make rounds of public appearances before he retires to an ordinary life with his favourite squeaky toy and plenty of rest. 

I didn’t watch the competition.  But I love the stories.  Stump was counted out several years ago and now he comes back a champion. Uno’s breed is usually too exciteable (as I can attest, with Sammy the Beagle/Bassett as my evidence) but he overcame genetics to pose like a supermodel and mind his manners.  I’ll get my doggie fixes through these pooches and those of friends and acquaintances.  They know they can always count on me for an ear rub and a compliment or two.  But that’s as close as I’m going to get.  I’ve done my doggie duty and picked up more than my share of doody!