Fat Food

While some restaurants are going out of their way to promote low fat alternatives to their fare and use healthier oil, others are proudly giving heart pains to an obese continent.

KFC is leading the way with the Double Down.  It’s a sandwich made without bread. 

There are two breaded pieces of chicken with bacon, two types of cheese and a special sauce in between.  It’s finger-lickin’-grab-the-defibrillator good!

Tim Hortons also has a new offering.  The Candy Bar Supreme.  It’s a large, rectangular donut covered in a thick layer of chopped M and M’s.  It’s just the thing when a huge donut or a package of M and M’s just won’t satisfy!  It practically leaps out of the display case at my workplace Tims and says, I’d look great attached to your hips!

On the upside, both companies are shamelessly being what they are.  At least they’re not trying to disguise their indulgences under fat-free yogurt or lettuce leaves.  They’re not fast food wolves in sheep’s clothing.  They’re just wolves.