Another No-PJ Day

I tried to stay in my pyjamas for a day this week – I really did! But there comes a point in the day when I just can’t take it anymore and I have to get dressed and get something done! 

If it’s not relaxing there’s no point in staying in sleep mode all day just so I can say I did it.  I find it more relaxing to actually get something done.  And since I bought a foam kneeler for gardening (insert geriatric joke here!) my back has actually been feeling stronger and better than it has in years.  Even my chiropractor mentioned it.  I’m going to rethink some of the things I’ve been avoiding doing because they hurt my back.  There have to be ways around them too. 

This has been a relaxing week, even though a very long and busy day was planted smack in the middle of it with the Busch race at Delaware.  But that’s exactly why I took this week off!  Coming home at 1 am and having to be in to do radio the next day would not have made for a happy Lisa.  This way, Lisa slept in and woke up refreshed and ready to roll.  Just not in her pyjamas.