Observations from Within a Hospital Gown

They don’t make enough jello for the cafeteria and it should be available to patients only.  There is no reason for a visitor or doctor to eat from the limited daily supply of Jello. If I were CEO of London Health Sciences Centre this would be a strictly enforced rule.

Dr. Jhou and Dr. Hernandez rock.

The drugs I took before my MRI have me convinced that I was curled up in a ball during the test even though I have seen the machine and know this isn’t possible.

I am most looking forward to having my hair properly washed. Because of my PICC line I can’t get my right forearm wet. Any volunteers?

A good friend of ours who is an esteemed professor of philosophy here at western was on the committee that oversaw and approved this iv-at-home
(PICC line) Technology. We never knew.

The cooks here do surprisingly well with some dishes. I think we should concentrate on those meals rather than the grey ones that smell like dog food.

If you work in a hospital and you are kind to a patient for no reason at all it means more than you know.

1 thought on “Observations from Within a Hospital Gown”

  1. I hope the homecare cutbacks don’t affect you in the long term. Just remember – the squeaky wheel gets the oil. Unless you’re inclined to change your PICC dressing, caps, IV bag, battery and tubing on your own, fight for what you need if you have to.

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