Questions for the Universe

What does Kim Kardashian … do?

Her family makes millions from a reality show and product endorsements.  She and her sisters show up to events in tight dresses.  She made a sex tape that got released to the public and now she’s naked again somewhere.  (I only read the headline.)  This is a career?

Will it take an overdose to stop the rambling juggernaut that is Charlie Sheen?  Now he wants 320 million in a lawsuit against the producers of Two and a Half Men because cancelling the rest of the season is “infringing on the lifestyle me and my family have come to expect”.  He’s tired of “pretending I’m not special”.  The New York Post has the best reader poll ever this morning: Who’s nuttier, Ghadafi or Sheen?

Justin Bieber.  17 years old today.  Is “out” with his first public girlfriend.  Why, why why why why????!

UPDATE:  Sheen won the Post’s reader poll 53% to 47%!

1 thought on “Questions for the Universe”

  1. Wait. Pause. Charlie Sheen’s interview on the TODAY show had me hollering! That boy said apologize while licking his feet! WINNING LMAO

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