What Makes You Happy?

When Domino Magazine folded a couple of years ago I was temporarily without a favourite design/decor publication.  Then I found Design Sponge. 

Gracey Bonney in Brooklyn, New York, started the blog as an outlet for things she loved and things she found that she loved.  She discovered smartly decorated houses and people who were doing interesting new things with decorating.  They were also finding new uses for old things. Some were attaching castors to old wooden boxes to make rolling storage for their small homes.  Some mixed and matched antiques and Ikea for funky, unique decorating schemes.  Some took a cheap shelving unit and dressed it up with molding and paint until it looked like a high-end piece.  Grace always kept budgeting and the realities of busy lives in mind. Now she has thousands of loyal readers and she has appeared on TV alongside Martha Stewart, Nate Berkus and other heavyweights in the field.  I look forward to receiving the newsletter version of her blog every day. 

So imagine my delight when she revealed she had written a book.  I pre-ordered it right away and then waited several long months for it to come out.  This week it finally arrived.

me sitting on a couch hugging the Design Sponge at Home book

Design Sponge at Home is being slowly absorbed in my home. It will no doubt get read more than once and end up with post-it notes on pages with things I’d like to make.   It contains the best of the blogs with beautiful photos and loads of ideas to steal.   This is my passion!  And I’m happy for Grace that by finding hers, she helps me fuel mine.

Here’s the link to the Design Sponge site:  http://www.designsponge.com/

1 thought on “What Makes You Happy?”

  1. With your inspiration from your newly acquired Design Sponge book, the daily newsletter and acquired Ikea magazine and possibly others, the only question that remains, is what might be the pending results of this collage of inspirations?

    … only time shall tell, and I’m sure it will be posted here, stay tuned!

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