And How Was Your Halloween?

We did the usual: stayed in the back of the house with the lights out!

Before you judge me harshly remember a couple of things: We get up at 3:30 am!  And the first Halloween I lived here (4 years ago to the day) I went all out and spent all night at the door for 4 apathetic kids. It’s just not a street where a lot of kids live.  So we had a Halloween celebration at work in support of the United Way and I got into the spirit for it.  The zombie spirit. Boo!

my face in a half-zombie with a black eye, blood running down the cheek and makeup making it look as if the corner of my mouth is torn away and my teeth are showing

4 thoughts on “And How Was Your Halloween?”

  1. I did the same thing, turned out the lights and stayed in my office at the back of the house. I also had the advantage of the rain which kept everyone for the most part in doors.

  2. Hey – there are a few political openings for someone who can talk out of both sides of their mouth….and is good at pretending they’re “in the dark” on issues. You might have yet another career choice, Miss Lisa! Great face, girl.

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