This Week in London News

I’ll do my best to give a Reader’s Digest version about what our Mayor and his cronies have done.  Again. 

Council here is basically controlled by the Fontana 8. Those who are not part of the Mayor’s inner circle don’t like to hear it but they know it’s true.  He appoints these people to committees and they vote the way Fontana votes.  With 14 on council it’s simple math to see that things sway the Mayor wants them to.

Last year the Fontana 8 were investigated by the Ontario Ombudsman following complaints over a lunch five of them attended with the Mayor just prior to the final budget vote.  Guess what happened again? 7 of the 8 met for a meal on the weekend and the budget vote is on Thursday.  As I write this there have been several complaints to the Ombudsman again.  Last time, Mr. Marin said the councillors didn’t break any rules but they should be aware of the optics of gathering in such a way.  Four councillors make a quorum. 7 is half. It’s just stupid.  The worst part is when he was asked about it the Mayor said he had invited one councillor for a meal and two more came along.  They just happened to run into the other 3 in the restaurant. Keep in mind that this isn’t exactly the most popular eatery in the city and – oh yeah -we’re not idiots.  To top it off, Councillor Stephen Orser has told a completely different story to the media.  The very least they could do is agree on a lie before they paid the bill.

Joe Fontana keeps making national news for all the wrong reasons. Today was the second court date in his fraud and breach of trust trial and his lawyers got a delay of 5 weeks.  Now the Ombudsman will have to respond to a repeat of something the council members already know is wrong.  I’ve been trying very hard to stay optimistic and positive about our Mayor but he’s making it pretty damn difficult.

5 thoughts on “This Week in London News”

  1. What is it with mayors? It would appear that London and Toronto have similar problems surrounding a mayor with a chronic entitlement complex, believing that they somehow are entitled to special treatment or privileges. The one in Toronto appears to have 9 lives and has recently escaped his 3RD legal problem, not bad for having been in office just over 2 years. Wonder what the next 2 years shall bring for both London and Toronto?

  2. I really believe we should have the right to ‘recall’ a mayor as they do in some states. It would make them accountable (maybe) and also rethink some of these stupid antics. I am so disgusted with London right now. I am just glad my representative is not part of the Fontana 8 and shows some good common sense. Too bad the ‘8’ don’t see how bad they look

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