It’s Good to be a Skeptic

Like most other radio morning shows, we had some fun with the three-breasted Florida woman.  I immediately called foul, and didn’t believe it was true. Several news sources claim to have dug up a report the woman wrote about lost luggage that included a “three-breast prosthesis”. 

Still, she claims it’s real and plans to prove it. We’re dealing with a woman who will do literally anything to get famous and because she’s not blessed with any talent, this is the route she has chosen. Her admitted goal is to get a reality show of her own. CHFI’s Erin Davis won the Internet with the best comment by posting a photo of herself, Mike Cooper, Ian MacArthur and Gord Rennie as proof that there exists a woman with three boobs! *rimshot*

Last week Blair found something online that gave us a huge giggle. The Scroguard is a diaper-like, latex-thin apparatus that a man snaps on before having sex with someone about whose disease status he is unsure. We were all skeptical about its legitimacy but whoever is behind it went to some expense and trouble to create an animated video showing its purpose and convenience.

laid flat, the scroguard looks like a thin, beige, bikini-style undergarment with a tube-like opening for the male organ

We tried to order one – they’re apparently washable and disposable – and were rejected because of our Canadian Paypal accounts. They don’t accept credit cards.

I tried calling the toll-free line and despite hitting 0 as instructed about a hundred times, all I got was the same message on repeat. I even attempted several extension numbers with the same result.  Conclusion: it’s a ruse. Now we wait for Jimmy Kimmel or some other jokester to reveal he’s behind the gag.

You just can’t be too careful these days! There’s nothing so ridiculous that someone won’t try to market it, but there are also a lot of people with too much time on their hands who like nothing better than to be able to say, “Gotcha!”

1 thought on “It’s Good to be a Skeptic”

  1. I humbly accept your kind praise Miss Lisa. And since I won the Internet, I give you dibs on using just as much of it as you like, as long as it’s to post your wonderful blogs (and not invent items like the one above). Thanks again! xo Erin xo

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