Cat House

It’s no secret that Spice the wonder cat, as he’s known around here, is the king of our castle. We adore him. He’s 14 now and at times he’s still as curious and playful as a kitten. 

My friend Betty sent me a YouTube video that shows how, in a few steps, you can make a little tent for your feline friend using coat hangers, some tape, cardboard and a T-shirt. So that’s what I did, with a 15″ by 15″ piece of cardboard from Erin’s garage, wire hangers that I never use, duct tape from hubby’s massive selection and an adult T-shirt size M.

frame made of wire hangers, held together with duct tape, on a platform of a piece of cardboard

After poking the ends of the hangers through the cardboard, bending them and securing them with duct tape, I took an extra step and put floor protectors under the bent wire. The T-shirt was a little harder to adjust but I think that’s because my frame is a bit pointy.

grey t-shirt now covers the frame. The neck hole is the tent opening.

Put an old T-shirt inside, secured the back and sleeves with clips and voila – cat camping!

Spice was checking it out within minutes. He doesn’t like to be held or confined but when I came back from running an errand the neckline opening was puckered and I know he had been inside. I hope he’ll make it one of his favourite napping spots. Thank you Betty T! What a neat idea. I may not get any home-building awards, but this project is easy enough for anyone to do.



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