Finding John Davies

Many years ago, with my first bit of extra radio cash I bought a painting by an artist whose work I had seen at a Niagara art show. 

His name was John Davies and his style, abstract. I wanted to purchase a piece I had seen that depicted a beautiful rock waterfall but he had given it to his father, a watercolour artist. So I settled for the bold forest and was happy with my purchase.

Everybody hated it. There wasn’t a single person in my life who liked that painting! I hung it in various rooms over the years and endured mocking tones and I believe my Mom once said it gave her a headache. For the last decade, it’s been packed away so I thought I should get rid of it.

forest painted with bold strokes of greens, orange, browns and white on a couple of trilliums in the foreground

I’ve been trying to find Mr. Davies but he’s an elusive character. If he’s still painting, he’s doing it on the QT because he isn’t listed with any artist directory, large or small. I found an art gallery owner in Jordan who knew him but she says he moved to Hamilton years ago and that city doesn’t offer any clues. My reasons for seeking him out were twofold: first, I wanted to find out if his artwork had gone up in value. I don’t want to be one of those people who sells an unwanted item for a nickel and later finds out it was worth a thousand bucks. Second, I wondered if he was still an artist. But short of calling every J. Davies in the Hamilton phone book, I’m at a dead end.I’ve decided to donate the painting to Goodwill and let them put it up for auction. At least, that’s what I hope they will do. I paid a healthy amount for

I’ve decided to keep the painting after all. It’s an original piece of work and once we get the rest of the basement cleared out and cleaned up, we’ll have room for it. I paid a healthy amount for it but I suppose that if he’s not famous, or not even painting anymore, my investment didn’t pay off. Oh well. I went with my heart and that painting gave me pleasure for a while. It also gave me a lot of grief from family and friends!

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