Pay Equity Protestation

Pay equity is still a thing. Decades after provincial rules came in that governed equal pay for work of equal value, the federal government is about to do the same for organizations that are federally regulated. Like broadcasting. 

Ken and I discussed this on the morning show last week and had all sorts of stats to back things up. As of 2015, women in these sectors still made .73 on the dollar compared to men. (There are other inequalities in pay, such as people with disabilities, etc, but we’re strictly talking about gender here.) I even cited an occasion where I discovered I was making exactly half – half! – what the man before me in the same job was getting paid.

So what happens after the show? I get emails, phone calls and text messages from people – or perhaps I should call them what they were in every single case – middle-aged, white men, telling me pay equity doesn’t exist. I have experienced it first hand and heard about it second-hand, but they say it’s all a fable. Our government has decided to make eliminating it a priority, but it’s an illusion. Denial isn’t just a river in Egypt, my friends.

The whole thing really got me steamed like a linen shirt at the dry cleaner’s. Infuriated. Furious. Until Ken unearthed this blog from a website called Clickhole. It’s a man’s satirical take on his brethren’s claims that pay equity is no longer an issue titled, Sorry Feminists, But If The Wage Gap Exists, How Do Women Afford All Those Nice Soaps? Nothing will change the minds of those who refuse to believe that something is real, despite all of the evidence that it is. But at least we can have a laugh at their expense. It’s worth a read. Click HERE.

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