Filling the Hole in the Soul

What in the world happened in Toronto yesterday? Ten people are dead after a man ran a van along a sidewalk I walked a million times as a Torontonian. We can dismiss people as evil but that’s too easy. The hard stuff is trying to understand why they did what they’ve done. Long, long ago I said that a lack of self-confidence is the biggest problem people have, as a group. People looked at me like I was nuts. But if you look at most situations where people act badly, you can trace it back to them not feeling they have a place in the world. Or that no one loves them. Or they are “less than” because of government policies, religious reasons, what have you. I still think my analysis holds, whether it’s terrorists, chronic drunks, abusers or anyone else who is trying to numb themselves, right a wrong or fill a hole in their psyche.

Much ado was made about a cartoon that went around via social media after Easter. It was shared by a fake Tiffany Trump account, but most people didn’t bother to check that out before they retweeted and shared it. I can’t share it here, even with credit, because I learned that hard lesson a few years ago. I posted an editorial cartoon with a caption and full credit and still got a “cease and desist” letter from the publisher. They threatened to sue. I took it down. But I digress.

In this drawing, a very tall Jesus is hugging an obviously weary Donald Trump in the oval office of the White House. The caption involved a wish for protection “from the enemy” for Tiffany’s father. But that’s not what I saw. To me, it was a reminder that Trump is just a man who’s acting out on whatever unfilled needs he has inside. In other words, he’s almost human. (That’s a joke, of course he’s human!) The drawing made me feel sorry for Trump, briefly, and not overwhelmingly. Unfortunately, Trump’s personality flaws and unmet needs are mixed with a lot of power.

Former FBI Director James Comey also explained the man well during his interview with Stephen Colbert. This is a highlight. In it, Comey explains so clearly and beautifully why Trump isn’t a great leader. It comes back to filling that giant hole – ego, if you like.

I respect Comey for keeping his head while the President is losing his. Comey isn’t among those calling for impeachment. He thinks it will be better for his country for Trump to lose in an election.

Donald Trump’s inner child may need a big ol’ hug but he’s got to find that comfort somewhere else. An election loss just might force him into some realizations that he’s reluctant to face. An acquaintance of mine from long ago said everybody gets it at some point in their lives. By “it” he means, that we’re all on this spinning glob of earth together and the bullshit we get caught up in – wealth, power, success – is all temporary and ultimately meaningless. Sadly – and I think this will be Trump’s experience – some of us don’t get it until just before the lights go out.

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