
Young Mom and her baby daughter asleep on a couch

I’m not a Mom but I’m a huge fan of motherhood. Where would I be without it?

Most of my writing for is about Mom and young children. Whether the subject is toys, car seat safety, taking a baby to a music festival or trying to get to the bathroom just once without a tiny person coming with you I appreciate that I need to be thorough and responsible. Little lives are involved! So, I do a lot of research. My favourite sites for that are BabyCenter and the Canadian Paediatric Society but there are many others.

Now, in addition to contributing my voice to tech company Witlingo, I’m their lead blogger. And my first contribution is about Mother’s Day. Well, it’s about smart-speakers and the reasons why Mom would enjoy one. The smart-speaker sector is outpacing the smartphone at its peak. It’s a fascinating world and one that’s admittedly slightly over my head at times! But that’s what makes it fun to write about.

I’m lucky to have many Moms of all ages and stages in my life who can answer a quick question when needed. My own Mom has been helpful. I also recently consulted my friend Scott who (jokingly) suggested the best beverage for baby at a festival was Coors Light. That one didn’t make it into my article.

Here’s to you, Moms! Whether you’ve got a baby or your babies are all grown up. Happy Mother’s Day.

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