As 2024 comes to a close, I’m looking back at the year with gratitude. We keep a jar of “good things.” When something happens throughout the year we write it down and read them on New Year’s Eve. Otherwise, it’s easy to forget how much GOOD there was, even the small things, like finding a new recipe that’s a big hit.
This year, I got to meet some fabulous women I’ve long admired – Kathy & Kim of EnVy Pillow and Arlene Dickinson – all at the same event. Derek and I spent time with people we care about, settled into our community even further and threw our arms around small town life.
This list omits the obvious: my husband of 15 (FIFTEEN?!?) years, my baby brother, family and friends. They’re the core of every year but 2024 had some special sauce that made it stand out. Without further ado, my Top Five of 2024.
5. I’m still my favourite boss.
Working for myself is all that and a bag of chips. Yes, Artificial Intelligence and other factors are having a tangible impact on the voice-over world. On all creative worlds, actually. The peaks are higher and the valleys, lower. But we continue to ride it out. For example, Derek voiced a Canadian Tire commercial that almost the whole country got to see and hear. That was fun because most of our work is for projects outside of the public eye.
Another aspect of work that’s gratifying is the little conglomerate called Peter Canada. (The name is a long, silly story!) It’s me and two other female VO artists who advise, consult and support each other. Everyone should create a little, private group like this. Some days, it’s everything.
4. Cutting back on news
Ingesting less news has been great for my mental health. I was already consuming a lot less than I used to but this year I deleted X, TikTok and some news apps on my phone. It’s part of the Stoic values I’ve been drawn to: Don’t spend brain power on things you can’t change. Events I can’t take part in will unfold in their own way. Every generation has its crises. The world will keep turning. Worry has never changed a damn thing.

3. Gracefully and Frankly
This podcast has brought Erin and I, friends of more than two decades, even closer. It’s a different dimension as we navigate opportunities, challenges, and compromises. I’m proud to say that when it comes to working together we have the best intentions and watch each other’s backs. As we discuss topic ideas before we record, she waits patiently as I “talk through” things before FINALLY coming to the same conclusion she already reached! I’m so very grateful that we get to communicate with other women (and some men) and share the celebrations and concerns about our lives. And now we have a store and that’s a whole new (FUN!) aspect of it. It’s a gift to us as we head into year #3. New products are coming in 2025!
A Little Side Note
While Canada Post was on strike I searched the country for a shipping alternative that wouldn’t break us. The winner: Stallion Express. There are no minimums and no sign-up fee. You can check rates before committing. You complete everything online including printing and attaching labels, and either drop your packages at a Stallion location or arrange for pickup. (If you’re in a city, pickup is possible. Out here, not so much!) And if you use our special referral link HERE we get a tiny commission. When you sign up, you’ll get a referral link of your own to share.
2. Cuddles Cozies up to Derek
This year, while I was away on a couple of trips, Cuddles bonded with Derek. I used to be our cat’s clear favourite but now it’s a tie. Entering the livingroom to this scene made me so happy! Our skittish, timid senior feline spends a lot more time on Derek’s lap these days and I’m more than happy to share the love.

1. A Stronger Self
I want to get old, but I want to get old while staying well. Last year, I realized that continuing chiropractic treatments for my neck were keeping me weak and vulnerable. I’m still pro-chiropractic and super grateful to my last practitioner for her help but it was time for a change. So, I stopped going and there was a definite period of adjustment. (Pun intended.) But now I can move and lift and twist and raise my arms over my head without worry. Those activities used to spark terrible headaches and sometimes send me to bed in pain. Earlier this month, I helped with snow clearing for the first time in years and suffered no ill effects. This is HUGE. Massage therapy and staying active are the keys to this improvement for me. It’s been an absolute game changer and I feel physially stronger than I have in years.
Not everyone got to experience victories this year. Some years, just surviving is a victory in itself. As I get older, I find that my happiness is tied more to experiences, how I spend my time and who I spend it with than any things or stuff. What matters are people (and fur-people) and showing them love. That’s about it. I wish you a healthy 2025 and I’ll plan to meet you back here on January 3rd. Thank you for visiting this little space. Your time is precious and I’m grateful you choose to spend some of it with me.
Love this post. And congrats to Derek on the commercial. It’s actually a commercial I’ve enjoyed watching this season, with both a cute message and a voice that I actually first thought of Mike Cooper when I heard it. Well done! And winning over a cat as well….wowza. I know how hard that is. Our Trixie is the kind of cat you just admire from afar, and certainly not on our laps. But we love her just the same.
Merry Christmas to you and yours Lisa, and all the best in 2025.
Jean, I’m always relieved to learn about a cat that isn’t super cuddly. Despite his name, getting Cuddles to land on you for any length of time is a minor miracle! Derek’s glad you liked the commercial. It had a lot of positive feedback even before people realized it was him!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! 🎄 I always enjoy your insight on so many topics! Thank you for sharing your point of view 😊
I love the idea of a happy jar throughout the year and will start one up now for 2025!
Listening to G&F every Thursday morning is a highlight of my week and am grateful for you being there!
Can’t wait to see what 2025 brings to everyone ❤️
Thank you, Lidia. I wish I could remember who suggested the happy jar to us. We’ve done it for a couple of years now and it’s a nice way to revisit the highlights. Thanks for listening and for commenting!
Oh the Xmas post withdrawal.
Have a very safe and happy holiday.
Allan, I just want to thank you for your participation here over the years. You might be my longest-running blog reader and commenter. And people don’t know this but you are also first to gently let me know if I have a typo! I appreciate all of it, and you. Thanks.
Merry Christmas and all the best for the New Year to you and yours.
All the best to you and yours, Debbie!
You pain and headaches are gone. A stronger self. Fantastic news. So happy for you.
Stealing the idea about the good thing jar.
Thanks for sharing it and your top fave things of 2024.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you, Derek, and Cuddles.
Thank you, Nancy. All the best to you and yours!
Hi Lisa,
I’ve always looked forward to your email blog every week and watching you tackle new adventures and experiences throughout the years. I too have taken a step back from the News…it will carry on…good or bad…with or without me! Merry Christmas to you and Derek and Cuddles.. and all the best for everything that 2025 brings your way! Cheers! ❤️
Thank you, Sandra! Merry Christmas to you and yours. 🌲
Your blog will continue to be part of my weekly reading in 2025! You know how much I respect and love you as a person and a writer! This blog is one of those little “somethings” that I always look forward to! Your writing matters.