Kiva Update

Just prior to Christmas I posted my intentions to donate money to Kiva, an international aid organization that distributes loans to budding entrepreneurs in the third world.  I chose four people based on their business proposals and loaned each of them $25. toward their modest goal.  …


I was one of the first of my peer group to get on Facebook and now I use it regularly.  But does that put me on top of what’s hot?  Apparently not!  Facebook is, like, so last year!  …

Reality Check

This afternoon I’m talking to first year students in the Broadcast Journalism course at Fanshawe College.  It’s an unusual time in our industry and it will be fascinating for me to assess how much they’re plugged into what’s going on.   …

I Take It All Back

I’d like to apologize to the woman mentioned in yesterday’s blog, who mindlessly ate a meal on the subway.  She might possibly be the Queen of Class compared to what I saw in Union Station yesterday!  …

Lucky Me

I dropped into 680 News yesterday, a planned brief visit, the first one since I left its employ two and a half months ago. …

A World Gone Mad

A California college student is auctioning off her virginity to pay for her education in – of all things – Family and Marriage Therapy.   She already has a degree in Women’s Studies.  You can’t make this stuff up.  …

Handbags and Gladrags

Here’s something I don’t understand about the nouveau riche “ladies who lunch” in the upper echelon of society.  You know, the women who are buffed to a high sheen from weekly manicures and facials and plan their schedules around committee meetings about fundraisers and the like?  Why are they so often described as a “socialite and handbag designer” by reporters?  Does the world need thousands of people to draw blueprints for purses?  …