
You’re Sweet Enough

The next time you pour Sucralose, Aspartame or Stevia into a beverage in hopes of being healthier and perhaps even losing weight, consider this: there’s little data about the long-term effects of these non-sugar sweeteners on your health. And a new study from the University of Manitoba finds they may actually be linked to weight gain and an increased risk of diabetes.

Bristling for Change

Wire BBQ brushes are back in the news and in front of Health Canada. It’s conducting an investigation after nine injuries were reported to have been caused by the brushes, in the past few years. Sometimes wires come off the brushes and land in the food. They end up in people’s tongues or throats and potentially migrate into the gut. It’s dangerous and sometimes difficult for surgeons to remove. So we set out to find an alternative.  …

Studying the Studies

Not all scientific studies are created equal. Having been a radio broadcaster for a long time, I also know how they can get distilled down to a couple of sentences of highlights, potentially making a worldwide study of thousands of people sound as credible as a small study of twenty. It rests on the public to look deeper into the data, but only three out of ten will bother in a stat I just made up.

The Land of Oz

A little late to the party, again, I’ve just started listening to the audiobook of You: The Owner’s Manual, by Dr. Mehmet Oz and Dr. Michael Roizen.This updated edition came out in 2008. Somehow these esteemed medical professionals had forgotten all about the liver in the original release.  …


It’s difficult to get attention for a cause. When something like the Ice Bucket Challenge catches on, it’s so gratifying for the charity – in this case, defeating ALS. It’s hard to get momentum, to capture peoples’ attention, and every cause is worthy. September is Sepsis Awareness month and there’s actually some good news on the sepsis front.  …


I was living in Burlington when a story came out about the toxicity of a chemical used in hair dye. A study showed that whatever it was, was leaching into the scalp and possibly causing harm. Grey-haired women of a certain age let out a silent scream and ran to health food stores, looking for natural alternatives.  …


Since I last spoke of my Military Neck issue, my Osteopath Melissa has made great progress in giving me flexibility and taking away pain. It’s two-steps-forward and one-step-back, sometimes, as I’ve had a couple of weeks when my head has constantly felt like 50 lbs. of wet cement in a 5 lb. sack, but recently it feels like we’ve turned a corner.  …

Work With Me, Baby

I’ve needed to get my picture taken recently. Once was for an upcoming Globe and Mail article about how and why doctors sometimes misdiagnose patients, the consequences. and some theories about how the medical profession can reduce the number of times it happens. The other for my new job at CJBK. And they were very different experiences! …

Diet Obsessions

By the time a Canadian girl is 14, she has been on 1100 diets. Okay, I obviously made that up. But it seems that teen females are experimenting with hazardous eating regimens just like my friends and I did back in the day.  …