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The Dog Days of Summer for the Media

Some people insist on believing that “the media is lying to you!” About everything. I’m here to tell you that “the media” doesn’t exist. Separate companies, different points of view, etc. So BBC, CNN, FOX, CTV – they’re all in on it together? Every COMPETING company employs liars and forces them to lie?

pile of newspapers

Reading Words and Naming Names

Anecdotal evidence used as fact only causes trouble. I like dark roast coffee. My husband likes dark roast coffee, as do a couple of our friends. But that doesn’t necessarily mean that most people like dark roast coffee. However, that’s the kind of weak country-club polling that some people draw their steadfast conclusions from.  …

Talk Talk

The TV promos we shot for News/Talk 1290 CJBK are on the air. The idea is to inspire listeners to discuss the reasons why news and talk are important. The promos drive viewers to our website where there’s a forum for discussion. Yeah, I know, a discussion on the Internet. What could possibly go wrong?  …

It’s 11 O’Clock. Do You Know Where Your Children Are?

With those words, Irv Weinstein began the late-night newscast on Buffalo’s WKBW Channel 7. He was the big time, the Walter Cronkite for our generation. He left the airwaves 17 years ago but just his name conjurs up memories of mentions of Tonawanda, Lackawana and other exotic locales he brought to our little southern Ontario ears.  …

When it Comes to News, You Can’t Win

When our Mayor revealed his affair with his then-Deputy Mayor, we – as a news organization – were called names and overwhelmed with texts and social media postings about how awful we were to report it. Keep in mind that Matt Brown had gone from news organization to news organization on what I now refer to as his “apology tour”, and there were many questions about whether this affair affected city hall business.  …

Sports Snorts

Reporting on sports is my least favourite part of my job as a newscaster. This is not new. I don’t generally watch sports, with limited exceptions. And I’ve never been such a fan that my happiness – even in the short term – depends on a bunch of people I don’t know scoring more points than a bunch of other people. No offence to rabid fans, it’s just not how I’m wired. Sometimes I’m a band-wagon jumper, but I generally just don’t really care.  …