My New Favourite Band

Sons of Sylvia is composed of three brothers who have backed up Carrie Underwood for years.  As The Clark Brothers, Adam, Ashley and Austin won a reality show contest called The Next Great American Band and they’ve broken off on their own now after the name change.  They continue to perform with Carrie, too. 

I downloaded their album, Revelation, from iTunes some time ago but it disappeared when my laptop went wonky a few months ago and had to be reformatted.  So imagine my delight when I found it in a stack of CDs, movies, books and other doodads in my company’s annual garage sale for the United Way.  One toonie later, it was mine.   There isn’t a dud song on it and when I played the title track for Derek the other night it gave him shivers.   It’s especially poignant with the 30th anniversary of John Lennon’s murder just days away, on December 8th.

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