Celebrating the Freaks

Models are freaks.  They are the .00001 % of the female population but they’re exploited as if they’re what we should all aspire to. They’re freaks! 

In a way it makes sense.  You don’t walk on the beach and admire the ordinary seashells that look like all the others.  You don’t watch a fireworks display and get excited about the fifth one in a row that’s exactly the same. It’s the extraordinary ones you enjoy the most.  The difference is seashells and fireworks don’t have feelings and aren’t subject to unfair comparisons.  Not all seashells can be smooth and translucent.  Not all women can be 6′ 2″ and 145 lbs.

The very beautiful and talented Beyonce was hired as the beach/bikini model for H and M and she recently became furious when she noticed they had retouched the photos of her for the ads.  They actually slimmed down the already slim but curvaceous diva. It’s retouching gone amok.  Someone as gorgeous as Beyonce does not need a photo-shop diet.  But ad wizards have done it to Faith Hill and supermodels and others in pursuit of an unattainable perfection they like to pass off as natural.

It’s sickening.  She apparently “hit the roof” and H and M backed down and used the real pictures.

Beyonce in a yellow bikini against a turquoise backdrop

Good for Beyonce for fighting back and insisting that they leave her booty, and everything else, as it really is. She’s an uncommonly beautiful woman but she’s no freak.

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