Bluapple for Blueberries and More

For a few weeks now I’ve had a Bluapple in with my regular apples. And there’s one in a crisper in the fridge. And I’ll be darned if they’re not working. 

You probably know what it’s like. You buy fresh produce but before you can use it, it turns brown or goes bad. The Bluapple is a plastic, apple-shaped-and-sized container with little holes in the top. Inside is their patented little filter that claims to gobble up gasses for weeks and keep fresh fruits and veggies fresher longer.  I really do think it’s working.

blue plastic apples in yellow packagingIf you decide to try it, learn from my mistake. I ordered it online from the manufacturer and a few days later noticed a half-wall covered in them at Bed, Bath & Beyond. D’oh!

In a pack you get two Bluapples and a year’s worth of filters. I haven’t conducted any specific experiments but I also haven’t thrown out any produce lately.

This is April Fool’s Day, of course, but the Bluapple is a legitimate thing! Tomorrow I’ll tell you what we did to try to fool some fools!


2 thoughts on “Bluapple for Blueberries and More”

  1. thanks for the tip…I will give it a try as I call the crisper in my fridge “The rotter”. Happy April Lisa.

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