My Saturday Morning Fun

So, this happens every Saturday morning now.  

drumsticks and a paper with the logo for the London Music Conservatory at the topYes, I’m taking drum lessons. And it might amuse you to imagine me in a waiting room with 20 kids waiting for their instructors on everything from the guitar to the drums to the clarinet!

I’ve always loved drums, the art of them and, of course, the sound of them. And after my ill-fated single-lesson attempt to learn guitar I realized, why am I trying to learn the guitar when I love the drums?

It’s also a bit of a workout for my sore neck and shoulders, which is a good thing. Those muscles need to get used.  I was thrilled at lesson one when my instructor, Alain, immediately sat me down behind a drum kit and put sticks in my hands. Perhaps you remember the Friends episode where Phoebe tries to teach Joey how to play guitar? She never lets him touch a guitar!  I was afraid that I would be taught that way, but it’s not like that at all.  I’ve already more-or-less mastered a very simple little routine and I imagine we’ll be adding to it as we go.

Alain asked me why I wanted to learn the drums. “To start a band and go on the road!” I replied, with obvious sarcasm. I have no illusions that I’ll be the next John Bonham or Don Henley.  For starters, I don’t want a sex change.  No, I just want to be able to some day sit down and bang out something somewhat familiar. Give me time.  I’ve only just begun.

3 thoughts on “My Saturday Morning Fun”

  1. I see the building of a sound proof room in hubbies future! The product you want is called, Silent Wall. Is there room in your garage for this future room?

    1. I plan to put a kit in my voice-recording room and only hit the skins at agreed-upon rehearsal times! Jeff, with my drumming, your spoons and your wife’s lovely voice I’d say we’re on to something kind of weird and possibly wonderful!

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