Olympian in the Family

It looks like I’m going to have to change my mind about watching the winter Olympics now that I have a nephew who’s likely going to be competing in South Korea in 2018. 

Josh’s life is now all about the bobsleigh. He’s overseas, training and competing, already on the world stage with the 2018 games in his sights. Many of his competitions are on YouTube and it’s exciting for the ol’ aunts and uncles back home!

Josh went to university on a track scholarship. He is what you’d call an elite athlete and Olympic scouts were tipped off to his athleticism. He was approached to try out for the Olympic team after playing a pick-up game of baseball with some friends. Who knows how long they’d been watching him or where. At the time, he was working in the marketing department of the Calgary Flames.

a very tight corner on a bobsled run in Switzerland

For the next few years, his life will be all about bobsledding and my sister-in-law says he’s loving it. We watched him compete last weekend in Sochi, Russia where their crazy little tube reached a top speed of 136 km/hr. Their next competition is coming up later this month at the Worlds in Winterberg, Germany. The photo at left, taken by Josh, is of a tight turn on a run in Switzerland. What an amazing adventure he is on! And if all goes as planned, with the rest of the world, we’ll watch him go for an Olympic medal in 2018.

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