You Know You’re a Journalist When…

…you have a bunch of mugshots of wanted criminals on your computer!

The other day, I cleared out photos of a few dozen people (mostly men, but one woman) whose photos were released by various police organizations in an effort to find them. Some went AWOL while on probation. Some were on the run after committing a crime. Many were mugshots from previous arrests and several were just stills from surveillance cameras where someone was caught in the act. These are among my favourite stories to write because they empower the listener to help solve the crime. Most of the time the person is caught because of a tip from the public.

Recently a clear camera still led to the arrest of a guy who’s accused of sexually assaulting four teenage girls on London’s transit system. Right now, two men are either on the run or in hiding after – police say – they shot a guy downtown a couple of weeks ago. As we piece together the story from limited details provided by police, it appears the career criminals may have shot a man they didn’t know after they were somehow insulted earlier inside a nightclub. The victim is still in hospital fighting for his life.

mug shots of Samatar Ali, black man about 25, and Billy MacDonald, white guy with beard and an unhappy demeanour

Samatar Ali and Billy MacDonald are the wanted men. Sooner or later, they’ll run into someone who wants the CrimeStoppers reward badly enough, and they’ll get turned in. If they’re innocent, they’ll get a chance to prove it. If they’re not, then the good guys will win again.


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