Tuesday Sweets With Miss Sugar – October 29




My people have never attempted to dress me up for special occasions. I think they know better. They wouldn’t dare force me to wear something spooky on Halloween, nor will they adorn me with a fuzzy sweater or boots this winter. (I don’t venture outside, after all.) But there is one item I wouldn’t shake off if placed on my perfect head: a cowboy hat.

The country life suits me well and I’d be proud to show it! Calling us cowboys might be a little far-fetched, but I can’t think of a better symbol to represent my new life, other than chewing on a stalk of wheat.

From my perch on the bed on the second floor, I can see all the activity on this quiet road. Lately, area farmers have been harvesting soybeans. Giant combines, several pick-up trucks, and huge transports have come and gone. I watch it all with fascination. I’m told the feed corn will be left to stand for another frost or two before it will also come down. The things I’m learning! No one has explained who will be fed the feed corn and I continue to believe that it will not be me. I love my chicken pate. Perhaps I should reiterate that to Mother and Father, just in case.

The other day, Mother encountered a piece of machinery so wide that it could not share the road with her Kia. The polite farmer pulled it over just a hair’s width from the ditch and waved her past. Everyone is so patient and kind. A woman pulled up to our house the other night, worried about a loose dog she saw on the road. She wondered whether it might belong to us. As if! Father told her the disgusting creature wasn’t part of this clean and upstanding family. That’s not how he said it but I’m sure I detected disdain in his tone.

Sugar on her fuzzy pouf with Derek's legs on a chair behind her.
Father and I enjoying season two of The Kominsky Method.

I continue to scan the surrounding acres for signs of life. So far, no squirrels, rabbits or even birds have arrived within my viewing range. Father did encounter a mama cat on a walk with her kittens while he exercised his tractor one day. He said they were likely, “barn cats”, but we don’t judge. I hope to make their acquaintance one day, through the safety of double-paned windows.

On my recent trip to the veterinarian – not to worry, pumpkins, everything is fine! – I was aghast to discover that my weight has not changed since my last visit. I am a full-figured gal who hopes to retain good health for a long while. This video of Cinderblock, an obese feline from Washinton, was enough to put me off my kibble. Cinder (as I like to call her) has arthritis and her new exercise regimen involves running in water – WATER! Can you imagine the horror? I’ve been given exactly one bath in my life and I hope to hold that record to one. Just watch what Cinder must endure!


Perhaps I’ll skip my afternoon snack.

That’s it for now, my petters. Until next week, I will continue my morning security prowl, my naps in the storage closet and my scans of the scenery from the bed. Life is good, my friends. It’s the country life for me!

Your friendly furball,

Miss Sugar


3 Responses to “Tuesday Sweets With Miss Sugar – October 29”

  1. Derek Botten Avatar
    Derek Botten


  2. Cindy Winder Avatar
    Cindy Winder

    Enjoy your beautiful landscape Miss Sugar!!!

  3. Your Mother and Father are lucky to have a watch cat as diligent as you are, Miss Sugar. I hope that if you meet the Barns Family, you are kind to them and don’t tell them what they are missing. After all, there’s no reason to be catty!

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