Year-End Gratitude

Little human figures cut out of different colour paper, joined in a circle around a candle

My past year-end posts have tended to be about achieving goals and accomplishments. This year, it’s about just being grateful.

Grateful to have a home. The homelessness crisis is simply appalling. We saw thousands of homeless people in California, in every town, digging through garbage cans and begging outside of every restaurant. A new report on US homelessness finds the number of people without a place to live has risen for the third year in a row, driven by those in California, where one-quarter of homeless Americans live.

In 2019, a friend of ours here became homeless. He slept on park benches and found odd jobs to keep himself and his dog fed. We offered him accommodations but he didn’t want to be so far from downtown with no transportation of his own.. He did find a room with other friends in the city and his life is getting back on track.

In 2019, I’ve been caught up in the details of packing, unpacking, etc. But haven’t lost sight of the fundamental comfort of knowing where I can lay my head every night.

Grateful to have options. When voice work slows down, I write. If I don’t have any writing, I do a DIY project. As PR picks up, I do that. Yes, it’s by design, but it’s also a matter of looking for ways to express myself and earn a living. Freelancers hear “no” or nothing at all after most auditions, but that’s just part of the process that all freelancers go through. It’s the process that matters.

Grateful for support. My husband believes I am capable of much more than I probably am! That’s a good person to have in your corner. Family, friends – all are supportive. Negative Nellys don’t last long in my universe. I hope I’m as much of a cheerleader to them, as they are to me.

Grateful for good health. It’s not perfect. I have an immune system condition, a wonky neck that flares up every few weeks and diminishing hearing. But everybody has something they’re up against, even if it appears they don’t.

And I’m grateful that you read these little mind-droppings, I really am. When I began blogging nearly 20 years ago, I never imagined that anyone would care to read what I thought or said. A lot of those early posts were lost in website migrations over the years, but I don’t have time for looking back, anyway. It’s not how I choose to roll.

There are moments in politics that make me a little insane and a certain orange-skinned leader whose ubiquitous presence, I could do without. So I focus on being grateful that I live in a part of the world where I can speak out about that citrus-faced charlatan without fear of reprisal. There’s so much to be grateful for. May you have a happy, healthy 2020 and thanks for coming back to this corner of the web. It means the world.

8 thoughts on “Year-End Gratitude”

  1. Happy New Year Lisa. I’m very grateful for my health this year after a year of worrying about it. This hasn’t been the best year for me with the health issue and losing our Bella two weeks ago today.

    I’m looking forward to a healthy 2020. Happy New Year to Derek and Miss Sugar as well.

  2. Hey Lisa
    Somehow this particular email ended up in my junk maik but it is by no means a piece of junk
    It is brave of you to be so open and honest with your heart
    It has made me realize and it verifys what my good friend has said and that is at times we allow whats wrong in our lives to take over our lives.Yes I have some health issues but girl do I have a lot of good things
    I have a roof over my head food on the table a car thats paid for.
    I live down the street two sons.i have great friends
    And my hope in the new year is to get a bigger place so I can help someone in need
    There are an enormous amount of homeless people .
    I live in Mississauga and not a day goes by where I dont see someone.i truly believe in paying forward
    Oh one major thing I am greatful for my 3 year old grandaughter Charlotte no better feeling then when she runs across.the room.and jumps in my arms
    You are capable of anything u set your mind to
    Happy New Years

  3. It’s not always easy to find things to be grateful for but they always are there. I hope 2020 is a great year for you and Derek and Miss Sugar. Especially Miss Sugar as she seems so hard done by. Maybe she needs to find things to be grateful for, too. Please don’t tell her I said that. She might come after me.

  4. Yes greatfullness is a good thing I have a cat named Timmy after Tim Hortons maybe Miss Sugar could have a play date lol

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