What Port Stanley Needs

map showing Port Stanley south of St. Thomas on the north shore of Lake Erie

We’ve lived in Port Stanley for 3 months. Three of the happiest months in a good, long while. We love it. This isn’t a complaint but an observation after doing our best to shop locally and talking to neighbours. Our town could use a few more businesses. I think they’d be hugely successful.

I suspect Port Stanley is like a lot of other little lakeside towns that swell in the summer and retract after Labour Day. On hot weekends, at least one of the restaurants busy the phones so they can catch up with orders. The beaches are packed, the inns booked, and the stores bustle with customers. It’s delightful! It’s equally delightful to leave the chaos and retreat to our quiet neighbourhood.

There are wonderful shops like Little Beach and Apropos. Terrific restaurants, lovely inns, greenspace. A sweet harbour with plenty of places to walk, seating and exquisite views.

The Kettle Creek Inn, a large blue and white building, and the Port Stanley welcome sign that says shop, dine, stay. It has a big fish on top of it.

I already have a terrific hair stylist – Lauren who owns Hair on the Harbour. The reviews are in:

“Best haircut you’ve had, maybe ever! It’s natural and not fussy.”
Derek Botten, spouse

September 2021

I don’t want to change this town. But we bring a fresh perspective. Port Stanley definitely doesn’t need a chain coffee shop or dollar store. It doesn’t have to fundamentally alter itself. That would wreck it. St. Thomas is only 10 minutes away for any must-haves that can’t be found here. But it’s missing a couple of key elements. And if I had an itch to start a business, I’d do it here. It’s ripe with opportunity.

The Needs

It needs a family restaurant that’s open when the rest are closed on Monday and Tuesday. A place that serves a good breakfast. Where we can take friends who visit and don’t want anything fancy. Where families with kids would feel comfortable.

ReVibe is a wonderful store for artisans and other vendors but I wish it was about three times the size. It’s a must-see marketplace, for sure. I think Port Stanley could use more like it.

The town needs a farmer’s market. The lone, small grocery store doesn’t cut it, especially when it comes to produce. There are a few markets outside of town, but why not bring the farm to us once a week? I know a lot of people who’d make it a habit to shop there.

It needs house cleaners. They’re booked solid with cottage rentals and AirBnbs.

GTs on the Beach is one of the – if not the – most successful restaurants in town. But they close for the season after the summer. I get it, the tourist trade is their bread and butter. But the population just grew by several hundred people. We love the town and want to support it. I think I’ve identified a few ways to improve upon that. Who wouldn’t want to live here and make their living? Any takers?

6 thoughts on “What Port Stanley Needs”

  1. I’m not sure a lot of business owners are going to want to invest in a restaurant that depends on dine in business after Covid. I 3

  2. Hi Lisa—you are right about the ‘family’ restaurant! I remember years ago there was one called ‘Grandma’s’, if I remember correctly. Loved it! Awesome breakfasts, etc. Also, a weekly farmer’s market with local produce is a great idea!

    1. Thanks, Angela. I’ve been talking to some merchants and they say it’s really difficult to make a go of it over the winter. But a family restaurant seems like a safe bet. 🙂

  3. I always loved Port Stanley when I was a London dweller and drove there regularly from the late 80s to the late 90s. Now that I’m a retired teacher I’m contemplating a move from noisy and chaotic Toronto. I’m going to be direct here: Is Port Stanley a quiet place in the neighbourhood? Do you often hear Harley Davidsons revving up? So loud protesters make themselves heard ? Are there drug addicts wasting away on tge street corner as here in Toronto? It’s a charming , beautiful place and I just need some answers from those who actually live there. Thanks!

    1. Hi Peter! I lived in Toronto too, so I get it.

      Port Stanley has two distinct sections. They’re separated by the bridge. On our side, it’s more quaint and quiet with shops and restaurants and Little Beach. The Port Stanley Legion is just over the bridge and that’s where there are outdoor performances and lots of activity in the summer. The closer you get to the Main Beach, you’ll find more pubs with live music and cottage rentals. Not that we don’t have any rentals on our side but it’s more of a party atmosphere there closer to GTs and the Main Beach. But this is no Hatfields and McCoys! We are ALL Port Stanley and we appreciate it all.

      There was ONE homeless person on one of the beaches last summer. The community rallied and got him taken to St. Thomas because there are simply no services here for the homeless. The food bank opens for a few hours once per week. There are active service clubs and community gardeners and many other groups and clubs to join.

      Are you guaranteed quiet? Well, we both have home recording studios and have rarely had to stop work because of noise. When we have, it’s usually been a neighbour cutting their lawn so it doesn’t last long. It’s not Port Dover, where bikers converge every Friday the 13th. My husband rides a Harley. He fires it up and he’s outta here because he knows the neighbours won’t appreciate his pipes. (Although they’re certainly not the loudest we have ever heard!)

      The town wakes up slowly and later on weekends. There are festivals on many weekends and other things but where we live, for example, we rarely hear anything. We trot into the village and take part if we want to. And if we don’t, we don’t. We aren’t beach people, which always makes people ask, what the heck did you move there for? We moved here because it’s walkable, we stroll along the water every day. It’s an adorable village – a working fishing village, still. And because we found ourselves driving out here whenever we had a free day. We love it. I hope that helps.

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