Dancing to my Own Beat

I'm sitting behind my new electric drum kit with the sticks in the air like I'm counting down to a song

A happy flashback happened again last Wednesday, as I popped into the washroom at Milestone’s where I’d been having lunch with my friend Laurie. Journey’s Don’t Stop Believin’ was playing overhead and it transported me back to drum lessons, and how that song was the only one I came close to mastering.

It’s been about eight years since I quit the lessons and sold my blue kit. But I’ve never lost my love for the drums or my wish to be able to play them.

Blue drum kit on black and white checked floor

I had a wonderful instructor at London Music Conservatory and looked forward to going there every Saturday morning. But this wasn’t long after I injured my neck and the toll it took to smash my arms (and shoulders) repeatedly was too much at that time. Now, years later and with a new philosophy about taking care of the injured site, I’m ready to pick up sticks again. But with a twist.

I purchased a used electric kit on the weekend after finding it on Facebook Marketplace. Hard core drummers say these rigs will teach you bad habits but, hey, I don’t plan to ever play in public. Who cares if I don’t develop perfect technique? And I need an electric set so I can be quiet in case Derek has to work. An acoustic kit is too much in every way: expense, sound, and size.

I love that a child owned this set and he outgrew it and wanted a “real” drum kit. He gave me some pointers and even a pair of his sticks. Our generation gap melted away as we talked about drumming. He’s ready to start a band so any young guitar players and singers in the Belmont area should get in touch!

It’s going to take a while – possibly a long while – before I get my rhythm back. If Malcolm Gladwell‘s theory that it takes 10,000 hours to master something is true, I’ll need 416 and 2/3 full days of trying! I’m learning from a variety of teachers on YouTube where there’s no shortage of tutors. Derek calls it, “going to YouTube university”.

Ringo Starr and Dave Grohl have nothing to fear! I’d love to one day sit behind this drum kit and feel like I know what I’m doing. I suspect that’s a long, long way off, but I’m determined to have fun while I aim to get there.

8 thoughts on “Dancing to my Own Beat”

  1. Joy, that is what I felt when I read your post. You’re never to old to start, restart anything. Enjoy every moment.

  2. This is wonderful! Don’t ever stop believin’! Congratulations on your purchase and enjoy every moment as the beat goes on!

  3. Excellent Lisa! That urge to drum doesn’t go away so welcome back to our pleasant addiction. If you haven’t done so, check out Drumeo on YouTube. They have some free lessons. Now, back to those rudiments, eh?

  4. Hi Lisa,
    That smile on your face says it all!
    Wonderful to just grab an old bull by the horns and go for it…Have fun!

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