The Cat in the Lap

Cuddles relaxing in his round, fuzzy bed, with one arm lazily hanging over the side.

The last time I wrote about Cuddles, he was recovering from a fairly serious issue. That was in March. Now, you’d never know it happened. He’s his old self.

And when I call him “old”, it’s an accurate description. He’s 15 now. Every time I see a senior pet up for adoption my heart aches a little. Cuddles has to be an only pet. But I wish people wouldn’t overlook the older dogs and cats. They need love as much as kittens and puppies do. And they’ve been through worse times in their lives. The fact that they’re homeless is evidence.

When Cuddles was ill, he became wary of me. He didn’t trust me to not capture him to go in the carrier or force icky-tasting medicine down his throat. It took a while but he’s confident I’m his ally again.

Cuddles laying sideways on my legs which have a blue blanket over them. We can see that he has a view out the patio doors.

Our house panther gets chirpy and antsy in the morning if I don’t sit on the chair with the ottoman and pull a throw or blanket onto my lap. He loves to settle there and watch the goings-on outside. The yard rabbit has moved on but there are birds and butterflies and flying insects to watch. He’s my first real lap-cat and I don’t take it for granted.

 ‘When I play with my cat, who knows if I am not more of a pastime to her than she is to me?’

Michel de Montaigne

If I don’t go downstairs to work around the usual time, he lets me know I’m running late! As a supervisor, he’s a bit of a task master. He will try to get me to follow him down the stairs to my recording booth. They say that cats bring us dead mice because they think we can’t hunt for ourselves. Cuddles seems to think that I forget I have a job sometimes. It’s his duty to remind me. Because, how can you explain freelancing and its odd hours to your cat?

Cuddles face first beside what's obviously a body wrapped in a white comforter.

Sometimes, just being nearby is enough. Here he is watching me read, waiting for an opportunity to give me a head bump or get his ears scratched. At night, once the lights go off and we settle in, he leaves for one of his napping spots. It’s almost as if he feels it’s his duty to tuck us in.

Yes, I do know he’s a cat and only thinks cat things! But he really does love a routine. I think most pets do. It helps them feel safe when things are predictable.

If I could, I’d have dozens of senior animals to look after. But that’s the difference between me and a hoarder – I know I can’t do it and keep everybody clean, safe and healthy. Oh, and stay married. too!

5 thoughts on “The Cat in the Lap”

  1. What a beautiful blog. Cuddles and Miss Sugar are/were lucky to have you. All three of our pets are rescues. And future ones will be as well. I didn’t realize the difficulties black cats have, and thanks to your past blog, next cats will be black.
    I think part of the reason people don’t adopt older animals is because of the expense they could cause.
    Like you I would have a house full, my husband too. Thankfully we know it is not possible.
    Have a wonderful, peaceful day with Cuddles ordering you around.

  2. He’s a cutie for sure. Remember his reservations when he first arrived? And isn’t it wonderful being owned by a cat?

    1. It sure is. Our first senior, Spice, wanted so badly to be a lap cat and he came close but he just couldn’t overcome his trauma. Then Miss Sugar was in love with Derek, but she still wouldn’t climb on his lap. So, this regular lap-sitting from Cuddles is a big deal!

  3. Thank you for the Cuddles update! When it’s time for M’Lady and I to adopt again, I am thinking the senior pet route is the way to go. Thanks for this reminder.

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