Personal Life

Bullied by Teens

I had just started down my street to go get my doggie pal Echo for a walk when some idiot kids in a passing vehicle tossed a full pop can at me, narrowly missing me, and spraying me with ginger ale.  The can struck the sidewalk as I fixed my eyes on the speeding car (and heard the cackling from within) and repeated the license plate number out loud, over and over, until I could get my Blackberry out of its holster and write the number down. …

Shopping News

Lots of news on the retail front in London.  My favourite go-to mall is being reborn as a mixed-use building, mostly because of the reasons it’s my favourite.  It’s almost always nearly empty.  …

Jamaican Adventure

I wasn’t at all surprised to hear that Canadians were being held hostage aboard a jet in Jamaica.  I loathe that island and tell everyone who asks that they should go somewhere else for their vacation.  …

The (four-legged) Buddy System

I’m living a doggie-deprived life by choice.  I truly have no interest in being the primary caregiver for a pooch again.  I have to have the freedom to go where I want when I want and I didn’t have that with a couple of previous, high maintenance critters.  But I do miss knowing a dog or two and that’s evident when one approaches and I automatically drop to a crouch to say hello. …

Apoplectic over Apostrophes

Oh, I could do a little rant about the Junos today and how, after a spectacular performance from Nickelback, the usually dependable Russell Peters sucked all the life out of the opening with his lame contribution.  But I’d rather talk about the apostrophe and try to figure out why so many people have no idea how to use it.  …

Legal Eagles

My earliest memory of my answer to the question, What do you want to be when you grow up?, was A lawyer.  Then I found out how long I’d have to be in school and decided to explore a plan b or c for my life’s work.  I was always eager to get out of school and start doing whatever it was I was going to do.  …

Bay Observer article. My Little and Me.

I have always kept my Little Sister’s name private on this site. But as you will see, she is an adult now and voluntarily agreed to be interviewed for this piece.  In fact, we were interviewed separately and when we finally read them, our comments made each other cry!   This appeared last week in the Bay Observer of Hamilton, written by journalist Peggy Chapman. …

Kiva Update

Just prior to Christmas I posted my intentions to donate money to Kiva, an international aid organization that distributes loans to budding entrepreneurs in the third world.  I chose four people based on their business proposals and loaned each of them $25. toward their modest goal.  …