
Diss Ability

Parkinson’s has robbed my Dad of many things. He shuffles when he walks and sometimes loses his balance so he has to be watched carefully when he moves. His arms don’t always do what he tells them. He looks smaller than he used to. He’s fragile. …

Auntie B

This week, Derek’s beloved Auntie Barb died just four months shy of her 96th birthday. She was Derek’s Dad’s older sister who worked for 40 years at BMO and looked after her Mother, Derek’s Gram.  She lived as a single lady, although she had many friends and suitors.  …

Family Matters

The idea was to create a bunch of little events throughout the year because it’s a milestone birthday-year for Derek. It began with the trip to Iceland. And I haven’t thought of how it will end, yet. (I’m open to ideas!) But here in the middle, his daughter was going to come from Nova Scotia for a surprise visit.  …

2015 in Review

My last post of the year is usually about accomplishments, goals not yet met and hopes for the days after the calendar flips over. But this year was dominated by an unexpected occurrence in May. The inexplicable loss of our young friend, Lauren Davis Shirakawa, and how her passing has forever changed the lives of our dear friends, her parents, and therefore our lives as well.  …

A Bit of a Rant – Window to Anarchy

The question of right and wrong has come up in so many different issues in the past couple of weeks.  I don’t even understand the question. The answer, to me, is crystal clear. We need to decide on morals as a society. Not based on any religious-based book or perspective of some small group on the fringe, but as human beings who know, in their hearts, the differences between right and wrong.   …

A Frickin’ Lion Safari

It was purely coincidental that I had just been to see some majestic lions and other beautiful African creatures when Cecil the lion was brutally killed by the most hated dentist in the world. I joined my Little Sister Tabitha, her partner Nick and their son – my grandson – Ryker, on a beautiful sunny day at African Lion Safari.  …

Immeasurable Grief

As I write these words, I’m aware I am still in shock. Lauren Davis, the beautiful, talented, quick-witted and so very young daughter of Erin Davis, died unexpectedly overnight Sunday. Just hours before, she had celebrated her first Mother’s Day and on Facebook, her smiling face greeted the world as she showed off her coconut necklace. That’s little Colin’s nickname: Coconut. …