Luxurious Luxor

This hotel is crazy beautiful!

I haven’t been to Vegas in about 20 years so everything is crazy beautiful and new.  The strip is unrecognizable.  This hotel is nutty and I can’t wait to find the elevator that runs diagonally up and down the pyramid in which we are staying. 

Tomorrow we’ll pick up our rented Harley and prepare to tour around this gorgeous part of the continent a bit.  So far I haven’t put a cent in a slot or felt the urge to.  After the long (hot, dry, slightly squishy) flight, all I really want to do is nap!

Oh yeah, free wifi in the hotel! You’ve got to love it.


One response to “Luxurious Luxor”

  1. lilbrother Avatar

    Yo! Enjoy yourselves while you’re there but be careful on the bike. There’s cows and donkeys and iguanas running everywhe…..oh wait, you guys are in Vegas! Watch out for tumbleweeds!
    I’m stuck in Panama City til Christmas Day. My bike is in Bogota (so they tell me). Time to fortify my supply of maps and travel books while I’m here.
    Have fun you crazy kids! Do me a favour. Do those rides on top of the Stratosphere. I always wanted to do that.