One Size Does Not Fit All – House Proud, The Toronto Sun

It’s taken many years for most interior designers to come to a general agreement on decorating rules.  As with everything else in life, one size does not fit all.  The guidelines work well in most cases but there are always exceptions.  Sometimes rules are meant to be bent and broken and that’s what I’m aiming to do today. …

An Ugly Split

I’ve never understood how anyone could want to destroy someone they were once married to.  By the same token, I’ve never really understood how they can stay close friends, either, but that’s a blog for another day.

The Joys of Listening to Listeners!

I like to talk to our station’s listeners. I answer the phone and I try to answer their questions although I do plead the fifth if something might not reflect well on the station. For example, they don’t need to know the nuts and bolts about music rotation and that kind of thing.  Those details would just seem a little insane to someone outside of the business, even though there are legitimate reasons for why we do what we do the way we do it!  …

A Silly Sorry

Federal Natural Resources Minister Lisa Raitt was forced, some say by the Prime Minister’s Office, to say she was sorry for calling the scarcity of medical isotopes a “sexy” situation for her ministry.  What a load of hooey.  I don’t think she had anything to apologize for. …

Half-Pint Tells All

Most former child stars who reveal the sordid details of their personal lives don’t grab my interest.  Exceptions have been Danny Bonaduce (Danny Partridge) and Maureen McCormick (Marsha, Marsha, Marsha!).  But I had loved, lived and breathed both The Partridge Family and The Brady Bunch in their days.  (Don’t judge me! I was a kid and as we all know, kids have no taste!)  And now toss on the pile Little House on the Prairie’s Melissa Gilbert (Laura Ingalls Wilder) who has written a new book called Prairie Tale.  …

Horror Beyond Belief

This week I read what may be the most disturbing piece of news I’ve ever read.  I’ve spent a good long while around radio and TV newsrooms and I’ve seen photos, video footage and news items so shocking that they made it into the psyches of those of us who witnessed them but they never made it to air.   So my characterization of this item isn’t to be taken lightly.  Sorry, I wish this was a set-up for a joke.  It’s not.  Read at your own risk.Â