
artsy shot of half a wall clock

Decisions, Decisions

I’ve written about decisions a time or two because I find them fascinating. A boss I once had refused to make any decisions. He was so worried about making the wrong one, he made none. From him, I learned it’s better to decide on something and perhaps change your mind later, than to not decide at all and leave everybody around you wanting to pummel you with a wiffle bat.

screen shot of my PC Optimum app showing a points balance of 73,781

Making My Points

There must be some terrific points-spending stories out there. Maybe you bought something big with a whack of saved points or got a special deal of some kind. I envy you because I can’t seem to let mine accumulate before I spend them.

woman selecting a can from a packed grocery store shelf

Face Time

It’s never bothered me to get captured by surveillance cameras. I know it annoys some people that everywhere we go, there’s a lens on us. Add to that, the people who feel the need to record everything, grabbing our images in the process.

Young woman sitting in driver's seat of a car, proudly holding up keys

Drafting Dum-Dums

There have always been terrible drivers. Cowboys in the old west probably had complaints about other horse riders who crowded them. Fun fact: roller-derby was invented by a frustrated roller-skater who got fed up with being run into.*

artsy shot of half a wall clock

The Real Enemy of Time

While opposition to Daylight Saving Time grows, I present to you an argument for sticking with it. When you think about it, DST isn’t the enemy. It improves on Standard Time. So, having sprung forward, let’s just stay where we are now and be done with it.