
Dad's bingo-themed suspenders hang over a kitchen chair

A Few of Dad’s Favourite Things

It’s natural to think about those we’ve lost at this time of year. Yesterday, the great Penny Marshall joined the long list of people who left us in 2018. We think of our dear friend Kerry. Mike Cooper’s wonderful wife Debbie. Our warm and lovable colleague, Jodi. And my Dad’s been in my thoughts more than usual, now a year-and-a-half after he died.

Our News

In the deepest recesses of my heart, I’ve been longing for a change. Something big, radical, totally different. I wrestled with the idea and it pinned me and held me down. I tried to talk myself out of it but I found it was a better debater. My husband was on board from the start. But how would that change look? What would it take to make it happen? …

stacks of packed boxes by Ari via Flickr

A New Method for Decluttering

Forget the KonMari method – deciding to keep only the items that bring you joy. Don’t buy a bunch of baskets and sort your stuff. That only helps the basket-makers and doesn’t do enough to reduce the amount of stuff you keep. No, I’ve developed a new way of looking at your stuff that will make you want to get rid of anything you don’t really need.  …

Then and Now

Dr. Seuss once said, “Don’t be sorry that it’s over. Be glad that it happened.”  That’s how I remind myself to feel about my time at 680 News when another year passes since I left, and I feel wistful about leaving a job and a work family I loved so much.  …