Polar Bear Feeds on Stupid Woman

You may have seen the headline, Woman Attacked By Polar Bear!  My goodness, I thought.  Was she just walking down the street , minding her own business when a crazed polar bear hopped off his stool at Starbucks abandoning his half-caf latte and darted after her, attacking her for no reason? No, of course not.  For one thing, polar bears prefer cappucinos to lattes.  For another, the woman was in the wrong.  …

The (four-legged) Buddy System

I’m living a doggie-deprived life by choice.  I truly have no interest in being the primary caregiver for a pooch again.  I have to have the freedom to go where I want when I want and I didn’t have that with a couple of previous, high maintenance critters.  But I do miss knowing a dog or two and that’s evident when one approaches and I automatically drop to a crouch to say hello. …

Made Up Well

I have a difficult time watching myself on television and if you talk to other people who are on TV, it’s likely they’ll say the same thing.  Not that they have a difficult time watching ME, but watching themselves!  But sometimes when the lighting is right and the framing of the shot is flattering and I like what I’m wearing and most important of all, my make-up is great, I can handle sitting through an episode of Whatever Happened To. It’s a great show, after all, and I think the others on it do a terrific job. …

Billy-Bob Jerkton

If you haven’t seen it yet, CBC’s Jian Ghomeshi handled himself brilliantly in the presence of a billigerent, egomaniacal and angry Billy-Bob Thornton yesterday.  Ghomeshi was interviewing the “musician” and inadvertently angered Thornton by referring to his acting career, which is obviously how most of us would know him, despite the fact that he apparently thinks of himself as a legendary musical genius.  …

House Proud – Making It Right In New Orleans. Toronto Sun

Hollywood screenwriters could not have come up with a script this compelling: Canada’s own contractor extraordinaire Mike Holmes teams up with A-list movie star Brad Pitt to restore the devastated Lower 9th Ward of New Orleans. But it’s not a movie; it’s the real-life adventure to make practical and pretty homes for some of those who lost theirs in Hurricane Katrina. Both of the guys behind the project just happen to be household names.  …

Site Out of Sight

Sorry if you dropped by earlier today or late yesterday and got an error message on this website.  Some of you have told me you’ve had problems posting comments recently, too.  That’s as frustrating for me as it is for you but apparently it has been fixed. (I’m taking bets on how long before the first email comes in telling me it’s not!)  …

Apoplectic over Apostrophes

Oh, I could do a little rant about the Junos today and how, after a spectacular performance from Nickelback, the usually dependable Russell Peters sucked all the life out of the opening with his lame contribution.  But I’d rather talk about the apostrophe and try to figure out why so many people have no idea how to use it.  …