
Happy Canada Day!

The best part about being Canadian is the luxury of taking a day like today for granted.  We enjoy it, we wriggle into it like an old sweater and then we do precious little with it besides mucking about and satisfying our wants.  It’s part of what it means to be free!  And you only have to watch a bit of international news to realize how damn lucky we are.  Happy Canada Day!  Enjoy!

My Pig, My Farm

You know the saying, “Not my pig, not my farm”?  It’s used when it’s better to mind one’s own business because whatever’s going on isn’t your concern.  But I’ve heard about some prime examples of getting involved in someone else’s farm and making a difference…to their pig!  …

Black and White Issues

I felt a bit hard-hearted over a couple of my reactions to news items yesterday but they’re how I genuinely feel.  People are fallible and they make mistakes but they have to accept responsibility or they’re living in dream worlds. …

Horror Beyond Belief

This week I read what may be the most disturbing piece of news I’ve ever read.  I’ve spent a good long while around radio and TV newsrooms and I’ve seen photos, video footage and news items so shocking that they made it into the psyches of those of us who witnessed them but they never made it to air.   So my characterization of this item isn’t to be taken lightly.  Sorry, I wish this was a set-up for a joke.  It’s not.  Read at your own risk. 

Anger Out of Control

A 58 year old woman has been found guilty of tossing a steaming hot cup of coffee in the face of a 30 year old man she believed had cut her off in a queue of people on their way to getting on a GO train.  …