
April Tip of the Month

Every month I send out a broadcasting tip to clients and colleagues.  Usually it’s something I wish someone would have told me early in my career because it would have saved me a lot of frustration.  I keep colleagues on the email list, if they want, just to stay in touch.   So here’s the gist of what I sent out for this month:  …

A Tale of Two Storytellers

Recently I had the experience of hearing a news story on one radio station, and then immediately hearing it on another.  This isn’t such a rare thing except the story was told so differently by the two anchors that it was like a slap in the ears with a velvet glove.  …

Pavlov’s Radio Host

It happens every day around 11 am.  One of the restaurants in the building downstairs from 1039fm fires up the grill and like the dinging of a bell, the drool-inducing smells of searing meat start wafting up through the ventilation system. …

A Wee Bit of Whine

Yesterday I did something I’ve never done before even though I have previously wanted to.  I called an editor and complained about how one of my published columns was edited. …

Move In Day

If you’ve ever been to a trade show, say, the auto show or a boat show, you probably haven’t even thought about what it takes to get all of those vehicles indoors, safely, efficiently and without any crashes or catastrophes.  …

Legal Eavesdropping

Back when I worked at 680 News I was adamantly against playing 911 tapes of distress calls on the air.  The only exceptions were those calls from September 11th, released long after the fact, when describing the scenes as they unfolded, first hand, seemed newsworthy.  But I thought a call from a frantic person describing the death of a loved one was exploitive and disgusting, and I still think that way. …

Dear Santa

I know Christmas is over and I said the trip to Vegas was fine for my gift but then my pal Betty sent me this video and I decided that if this roll-up laptop really is available, I want it.  And I want it soon, big guy!  Thank you!