
block letters read MORE SHOPPING AHEAD

Shopping – ImPort Stanley

ImPort Stanley is weekly series about life and discoveries by a recent “import” to Port Stanley, ON. *This post was updated in November 2023, to reflect changes in the local marketplace.

My heartbeat sped up as I plopped in today’s title! I absolutely love shopping in Port Stanley and have made it my mission to visit all the stores. Hey, it’s research! This is a long one. And there are more stores to come, with the announcement this week that the former L.R. Jackson Fisheries building was sold again, with a vision of more retail opening there. And that the Dominion of Canada building across the harbour was sold, to become a microbrewery next year. A market is coming to the old firehall at the base of Schoolhouse Hill. And something is cooking in the former Village Square coffee shop across the intersection.

Sickly Spicey

Our 15-year-old Head of Household Security isn’t well. In addition to hyperthyroidism, he has pancreatitis and a bit of kidney disease. It’s thought that once we get the pancreas sorted out, the kidney will improve. We certainly hope so. 

Missing My Best Buddy – Posted Feb 7 2014

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A friend of mine posted this photo on Facebook.  If you’re on the social media site you know you’ll see similar pre-captioned photos like this every week (memes) on topics ranging from illnesses to political issues.  But this one made me burst into tears.  …

Kitty News

We’ve been a two-cat household for more than a month now and things have settled into a routine. Our new adoptee Sugar, or Miss Sugar, is a delight. Spice is making sure she knows she’s #2 and he’s #1. There have been some incidents of hissing and chasing but no actual fights. They even get affectionate sometimes. 

Kitty the kitty

Spice, the 14-year-old wondercat, has been restless. When he was surrendered for adoption, he was part of a pair. Animal Aide in St. Thomas apparently tried to adopt them together but no one wanted two senior cats. They were both 11 at the time. So Chloe was adopted separately and we came to learn about Spice once he became a solo act.  …

Adding a Little Spice

We’ve been talking about getting a pet for a while.  Ever since Derek said the words “…if we ever get a dog…” while he was building a fence this summer, the door to getting a fur baby was kicked open, in my view.  And I’ve been tapping on that door ever since.   …